Search Results
GitOps Days 2021: GitOps at Enterprise Scale - Weave Kubernetes Platform - Cornelia Davis
GitOps Days 2021: What is GitOps - Day 1 Reflections - Cornelia Davis & Tamao Nakahara
GitOps Days 2021: Weave GitOps - It All Starts with the Developer - Cornelia Davis
GitOps Today and Tomorrow: Conceptual Overview and Technical Deep Dive – Cornelia Davis
GitOps Days 2021 - Day 1 (June 9, 2021)
Free GitOps Workshop with Intro to Kubernetes & GitOps
D1S15: GitOps Patterns (Cornelia Davis)
D2S9: What's your first or next step toward powerful GitOps (Cornelia Davis)
GitOps Days 2021: GitOps Maturity Model - Paul Fremantle & Tiffany Wang
There's More to GitOps than Meets the Eye - Cornelia Davis
Free GitOps Workshop (with Weave GitOps Core)
Continuous Delivery for Kubernetes - Weave GitOps